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School #201

The opening ceremony of the project "Football Lesson at Schools" was held in secondary school № 201 on November 4, 2009. AFFA I vice-president Rauf Aliyev, AFFA General Secretary Elkhan Mammadov and director of secondary school № 201 Susan Salmanova performed and notified that, this project was important for healthy life of children and youth and increasing popularity of football
AFFA gave the below equipments for school:
Sport clothes for children, copybooks, pens and all necessary equipments for study.
Football lessons would be held for V, VI, VII class students. It means 18 class and 413 students. 201 of these 413 students are boys and 212 of them are girls.
So, 1065 students take part in football lessons in these 3 schools № 239, № 240 and № 201.

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