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School #160

The opening ceremony of "School Cup" among IV class students was held in the gym of secondary school № 160 in Sabail region, by AFFA, Ministry of Education, Azercell, Sabail Region Executive Authority, on February 13, 2010 for increasing popularity of football in our country.
AFFA General Secretary Elkhan Mammadov, Head coach of Azerbaijan national team Berti Vogts, technical director of the association Bernhard Lippert, president of Regional Football Federation Public Union Iskandar Javadov and director of secondary school № 160 Faina Alakbarova took part in the ceremony.
E.Mammadov, B.Vogts, I.Javadov, F.Alakbarova performed with best wishes and congratulated them. Then, head coach of our national team Berti Vogts was given memorial present by the collective of school.
Then, german expert gave autograph to school children. After ending official part of ceremony, dance group of school girls showed their performance.
Teams of school № 160 and school № 7 met In the opening match. First knitting to ball was done by head coach of national team Berti Vogts and Iskandar Javadov.

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